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From Angst into Action

Writer's picture: bccmissions2019bccmissions2019

by Pastor Matthew Teo

The feeling of general malaise of our world, a foreboding like a dreary rain storm about to burst. The oppressiveness seeps into one’s bone. An unwanted emotion yet undischarged.

Syria and her cities are bombed and blasted. On all sides from all sides! Innocents are trapped and lives are swat like flies. Nothing is sacred! The cities and hospitals, churches and mosques are all in ashes! Ancient monuments wrecked.

Egyptian Coptic churches suffered suicide bombers. Pilgrims to ancient monasteries were mowed down by extremist forces. Qatar, Yemen…now Marawi in Philippines!

America imposing immigration ban and intends on building a wall against illegal migrants! Britain implementing their exit from European Economic Community! North Korea threatens again and again with missile launches!

Still, many travel to the Holy Land, which remains a popular tourist destination. Many still rejoice in the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem. But what about the blood spilt, and what about the displaced and depressed Palestinians and refugees in refugee centres?

Across the causeway of Singapore, faithful men had fallen among robbers! Yet we remain untouched and fly past our neighbours. The daily commutes KL-Singapore return does not seem to desist and deter trade and travel.

Can we find a good Samaritan among us?

Samaria of the past is today’s West Bank under Jordan. Many still live out their dreary lives in refugee camps after more than fifty years. Unbeknown to us a huge number of similar refugees of various tribes live just hours away north of our causeway? Many have their futures robbed right under our noses!

Can we turn our angst into action?

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27


This article originally appeared on Interserve, Singapore on July 28, 2017.

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