John & Anna Mosby
Missions Personnel Code: "JAM"
Involvement: Aviation and education
Organisation: Africa Inland Mission International
Serving in: Kenya
Anna became a believer while in secondary school, and joined BCYF in Bartley. During those formative years at Bartley, as she served and volunteered, she sensed the Lord’s leading towards missions at a missions conference by Patrick Johnstone. Anna decided to get training, and left for Moody Bible Institute (MBI) in Chicago, USA.
John and Anna met when both were studying at MBI: both were involved in the same ministry for a semester and shared some courses in their final year. Following their graduation, Anna visited Kenya for a summer with AIM. What she saw while there propelled her to further her training, so she attended Wheaton College (Illinois, USA) and got her MA in Missions. John and Anna were married in Singapore after Anna’s graduation from Wheaton in 1988.
The next several years saw them in the USA, where John pursued his BSc in Missionary Aviation as a maintenance specialist and they raised support. In 1994, the couple left for Kenya with AIM.
In Nairobi, Kenya, John served initially as part of the missionary crew maintaining AIM Air’s fleet of small aircraft. Over the years John was given more responsibilities, culminating as Director of Maintenance for AIM Air.
Anna taught at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology for several years. Anna received her MA in Biblical Studies in 2012 to enhance teaching effectiveness. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Theology (Missions) to fulfil the Kenyan government’s requirements for university lecturers. She also administers AIM’s in-house auto insurance program that insures all AIM missionaries’ vehicles in respective fields in Africa.
They have two sons who were both born in Kenya: Benjamin and Wesley. Benjamin passed away in 2006 from a freak accident at home, and was buried in Kenya. Wesley is currently studying at his mother’s alma mater, Wheaton College. He hopes to return to his high school in Nairobi as a teacher to inspire missionary kids to serve Christ, just as his teachers had done for him.